What You Need To Know About Managing PMS

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Navigating "that time of the month" is as much about learning to go with the flow as it is about balancing hormones or reducing symptoms.

A large part of our work at Red Tent Sisters is helping clients understand their menstrual cycles and what certain bodily experiences are trying to communicate to us about our health and well-being. When it comes to PMS, holistic approaches typically categorize symptoms into four main categories - Anxiety, Cravings, Depression, and Hyperhydration - each representing a cluster of symptoms with underlying physiological causes. While working with a practitioner like Amy can help you to identify your PMS type and address the symptoms from their root cause, a lot of the positive improvements our clients experience in their PMS relate to attitudinal shifts and simple lifestyle changes that we discuss here in this video.

In this new episode of Red Tent Sisters TV, you'll learn:

  1. The important distinction between premenstrual signs and premenstrual symptoms

  2. How to use the moon to reframe your thinking about PMS

  3. When and how to adjust your way of relating to friends and partners to maintain intimacy throughout the cycle

  4. How to avoid premenstrual cravings that contribute to bloating, fatigue and mood swings

  5. What to do if your symptoms are debilitating or seriously interfere with your daily functioning


Interested in learning more about your premenstrual signs and symptoms? Our Sacred Cycles program is a year-long journey of body literacy that includes education, counselling, nutritional guidance and inspirational readings about the menstrual cycle. Click below to read more and to watch our program video. 

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Kim & Amy Sedgwick love to discuss sex, periods, and all the other things we’re not supposed to talk about. The co-founders of Red Tent Sisters, they’ve been featured in every major Canadian news outlet and have become a trusted resource for people seeking natural (effective!) birth control, a more joyful sex life, and an empowered journey to motherhood