Sisterly Sessions

Nuanced, thoughtful guidance for the secrets you’re scared to share


Trust us, we’ve heard it all.

For over 15 years, we’ve been the sisters to turn to with the stories you don’t feel safe telling anyone else.

We bring a non-judgmental approach to anything society makes it hard to talk about - from infertility to infidelity, miscarriage to menopause, and periods to porn.

We’ve both done a ton of personal therapy, coaching, courses, reading and experimentation. A session with Kim & Amy is an opportunity to tap into our collective knowledge and experience.

Introducing Sisterly Sessions

In these practical, private sessions, we’ll both bring our individual and combined expertise to give you resources, tools & advice you can trust.

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Meet The Sisters


Kim is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) who specializes in sexuality and relationships. She is particularly interested in attachment theory and the ways in which intimate relationships can facilitate healing. In her private coaching practice, Kim coaches women to explore their desires, claim their sexuality autonomy, and step into a life of genuine authenticity and connection.

Amy is a registered Occupational Therapist, certified Fertility Awareness Educator, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and DEI Trainer. Amy has also trained in Harner Shamanic Counselling and the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. She is an initiative of a gynocentric shamanic tradition centred around the sacred honeybee that regards women’s sexuality and reproduction as sacred.


How It Works

Share Your Question

It’s simple! Fill out this form to share your question and then we’ll send you a link to book your appointment.

Pick Our Brains

We’ll have a 75 min call where you’ll get full access to all our expertise: Kim’s, Amy’s, and the unique insights that emerge when we come together.

Recap & Resources

We’ll send along a detailed summary of our call, including all our suggested resources and recommendations for your next steps.

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  • The cost is $350.

  • Appointments are available Monday through Friday between 9 - 5 EST

  • Sessions are virtual.

  • These sessions are not designed for ongoing support. If it is determined in your Sisterly Session that ongoing support would be of benefit to you, Kim and Amy will identify which of them would be most appropriate for your needs, or refer you out to someone else if that is more suitable. If you feel like you could use quarterly sisterly advice, we can offer you a discount for a package of four sessions for $1200 + tax.

  • Absolutely! We will record the session and send it to you for future reference.

“If you put shame in a petri dish and cover it with judgment, silence, and secrecy, you’ve created the perfect environment for shame to grow until it makes its way into every corner and crevice of your life. If, on the other hand, you put shame in a petri dish and douse it with empathy, shame loses its power and begins to wither. Empathy creates a hostile environment for shame—an environment it can’t survive in, because shame needs you to believe you’re alone and it’s just you.”

―Brené Brown


Book a Sisterly Session


Please share your question and contact details below.
We’ll be in touch to schedule your session based on the availability preferences you provide.