Tough conversations just got a whole lot easier.


Feeling stuck in your relationship?

Got a topic you know you need to address, but you keep putting it off?

We’ve been there.

The sisters offer a judgement-free space to explore “taboo” topics (trust us, we’ve heard it all) &
specific scripts to build your communication toolkit.

Like any skill, communication gets better with practice. We’ll get you started, build your confidence, and before you know it, you’ll be speaking your mind with ease.


About Us

Kim & Amy are best known as the founders of Red Tent Sisters, a women’s health shop in Toronto’s east end that they ran from 2007-2012. During that time the sisters were featured on every major Canadian news outlet, including CBC, Macleans, The Toronto Star, Rogers TV, and The Globe & Mail. Since then the sisters have become passionate about communication of all kinds, in particular navigating tough conversations in intimate partnerships.


Our Services

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Looking for Red Tent Sisters Stuff?

We’ve retired all our Red Tent Sisters programs, but Kim and Amy still offer one-on-one services through their private businesses.

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The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships.

— Esther Perel


End the Blame Game

Tired of having the same argument over and over?

Wish your relationship felt easier? Craving connection?We've been there. We get it. In this 90-minute workshop we’ll teach you the step-by-step script for getting off the “hamster wheel” of repetitive arguments into a heart-centred, effective conversation with your partner or partners.